
Sample Book

Book Illustrations
Book Illustrations
Ad Samples
Graphic Design
Just Stuff
Sample Book
Ad/Editorial WorkSamples
Curriculum Vitae

Because of my teaching background, I was asked to come into a local elementary school and give a presentation on art...specifically on illustrating books and how I got started.

I grew up on cartoons and comics so that was my start. The work in those inspired me to pursue art myself so I knew I couldn't just go in and just talk to the little tykes. Its better to learn by doing than to simply teach by talking. So I decided to create something cartoony and fun for the class; something that they could, in turn, continue themselves...at their own pace and on their own time, with their own ideas.

Wouldn't it be cool if I got them to help me make a book, as if they're illustrating it with me? Ya know, give them a sense of pride and enjoyment in their own work. Thats what I tried to do and from the smiles on their faces when I left, I may have succeeded. The sample pages are below...


Updated March 12, 2009

All Works Copyright © 1993-2009 Dana D. Carter